Who am I ?
Just a normal guy. Left school at 16.
Moved to France when I was 25 and have been here ever since.
I’m now 66 (2024)
A blog about what I love doing :

- Sports : biking, running, working-out, crossfit, swimming, trekking. Just keeping fit.
- Playing with computers & gadgets. Trying to help, explaining how things work in the computer or gadget section. Linux & Open Source when I can.
This page is long, bear with me…
2012 : My ‘Gym year’. Taking time off biking and spending more of my days at the gym.
2015 : My ‘Crossfit year’ this slowly taking over from the gym. Much better
2017 : My mail order company that I created 30 years earlier selling musical CDs closed down in November, as we couldn’t compete any longer. It was difficult time for me.
2018 : January – I finally retired. As I had started working at 16 years old. I was allowed to retire at 60.
Deaf…. (but not dead)
2018 : Ended a bad year for me. I fractured my left ankle while out trail running. Three days later because of this I totally lost my hearing in my right ear. Simultaneously I also lost over 70% hearing in my left ear and over 90% loss of comprehension of spoken words. Although I can still hear a little with the left ear. Because of this I can no longer understand what’s being said.
2019 : March. I received a Cochlear Implant and I can now hear and understand once again in my right ear. But only if the person is up close and in a quiet environment. Although this is far from perfect it’s better then nothing. https://bit.ly/3kzIdz3
In October I went on my first trek, this is a new pastime. (I can’t call it a sport). It gives me the chance to take of my Cochlear Implant and be ‘alone’ in my head with just a rucksack on my back. A bit like being a kid again when going camping, or a boy scout that sadly I never was.. https://bit.ly/3pIL64W
2021 : Now 63 years old. Although my ankle is still not perfect but better and so I’m trail running again. Only 10 kms max for the moment, and of course all my other sports. Crossfit and Biking.
It’s now 2025
2025 : Now 67 years old. I’m still doing a lot of sport. As much as in the previous years. Five or six days a week in average.
When biking, it’s MTB on my Van Nicholas Tuareg https://bit.ly/3jHfMQ4
Or I’m on my Orange Gravel bike, which is fun.
I’ve bought a new road bike and finally sold the Singlespeed. A Girs Solo. This is a high end French bike manufacturer Girs, the model is a Solo.
Crossfit is three or four times a week. Plus riding my bikes. I work out at the GYM when I can’t get to the crossfit box or it’s too wet or cold to bike or run.
Who am I : I speak two languages, English & French , trying to learning a third, Spanish but have basically given up as it’s too difficult with my hearing problems.
Me – Moi – Yo.
Me, English
Moi, French
Yo, Spanish
Contact possibilities
This year 2023 I dumped twitter and am now using Mastodon / Fediverse @Minty95@fosstodon.org